
How do I Edit a Trip?

You can edit any Trip in TrackingDays / TrackingStates, with the exception of the current Trip which needs to be completed before it can be edited, or you need to change Country / State.


> Tap Timeline, (Timeline is located at the top of the History page, above your list of Countries / States).
> Tap ‘Edit’ (top right corner).
> Tap the Trip or Unverified time that you wish to edit.

You are now given a list of Countries / States to select from.

If you are Editing a Trip to another Country / State:
> Select that Country / State
> Tap ‘Done’
This is the end of the process.


If you wish to split a Trip and allocate it to multiple Countries / States:

> Select every Country / State that you need
Also available options are “Transit” for Transit time and “Deleted”, for untracked or unwanted time.
> Tap [Done]
Next work forwards from your earliest trip adding trips by entry and exit date & time.
> In [Country] / [State], select your first Trip Country / State
> In [Date Range], Tap [To].  Add the date and time that you departed this country.
> Tap [Add Next]
Repeat the process adding each Trip in chronological order.

Tip: iPhone: When adding your final Trip, flick the ‘Time’ scroller upwards, to let it automatically fall back at the end of the added time, this will help avoid leaving a time gap.
Android: Simply navigate to the end of the time added.

> Tap [Summary] and check your dates added
> Tap [Verify]
This is the end of the process.






General note, please ensure that:
1. You leave the App running and open at all times (it’s battery use is minimal)
2. Your location settings for the App are set to ‘Always’
3. Your iCloud back up is turned on, your data will back up to your personal iCloud, we do not track any user data.


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